Red Foxes are mammals of deciduous forests. They belong to the dog family, and can live up to 12 years. Red Foxes reach roughly 1 m in length. They weigh roughly 6 kg. Red Foxes have big, pointy ears, and 2 long, soft fur coats, which are red or brown. They also have black fur on their legs, feet, and ears. Red Foxes also have long, bushy tails, and 4 toes and 1 thumb on each front foot, and 4 toes on each back foot. They have long, sharp, curved claws on these toes.
Red Foxes are handsome dogs. They are cousins of wolves-just as wild, but smaller; five large foxes weigh less than one small wolf. They are also the biggest species of foxes in North America.
Red Foxes live near forests, farms, and shores of lakes. For a home, they live in a den or a woodpile. There are two entrances to the den. Foxes use the den year after year. The foxes' sharp claws dig their dens. They use grass and leaves to make the dens warm. Red Foxes mainly work at night.
Red Foxes are carnivores. They eat rabbits, muskrats, birds, mice, insects, fish, frogs, earthworms, snails, and eggs. If food is scarce, they eat berries, seeds, and apples.
Red Foxes hunt alone. Their hunting area is from 3 to 8 km. When they find prey, they pounce on prey like a fierce cat. They use their claws to bury food and dig out rodents to eat. They bury food in their den and come back for it later.
Red foxes have many enemies. These consist of bears, coyotes, lynxes, dogs, hawks, and eagles. If they spot an enemy, they run from their enemies and hide in their dens. People can be enemies too.
Red Foxes' babies are called cubs. The adult males are called dogs, and the females are called vixens. Red Foxes are born with their eyes closed. Their eyes open when they are 9 days old.
Red Foxes have 1 litter every year, with 2-8 cubs in each litter. Cubs eat food that their mother has half eaten, and drink milk from their mother. Red Foxes are also deaf for the first ten days after they are born.
Red foxes wrap their tails around themselves like a blanket to keep them warm. They are shy, and stay far away from enemies, even though they are good runners. They can run 10 km in 1 hour. When they run, they hold tail straight back, and they drop their tail down when they are walking.
Red Foxes have good eyesight, an excellent sense of smell, and good hearing. They can hear a mouse squeaking 30m away. Red foxes are good hunters. They have 42 sharp canine teeth for tearing meat. Red Foxes help farmers by killing mice, rabbits, and rats that eats their crops.
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